Wednesday, 4 March 2015

An explanation for homosexuality which is neither a Rube Goldberg device nor a kwashiorkor-swollen Somalian nor a kicked puppy

(written in 2013)

The origins of homosexuality, I suggest, are to be found in the ingrained instincts of heterosexuals. Homosexuality is rather an exaggeration of heterosexuality than some kind of antithesis to it. For the tendency of those with similar fitness levels and looks to flock together to attract flocks of opposite polarity of like comeliness is obvious from everyday experience.

The exaggeration of this tendency is the natural byproduct of a mechanism which rather drives male and female together than ‘destroys traditional marriage’, and accounts for the occurrence of homosexuality among many species. One might represent it visually as the ritualistic separation of men and women at old-style dinner parties; the women would leave the men to their cigars, robber baronage and whisky, retiring somewhere soft, biscuit-replete and smelling faintly of lavender and mulberry. 

Some men, and some women, happen to take their respective domains as all-encompassing; this is natural because the ideal form which is, for instance, an adaptive trait such as the ability to reproduce at all refracts through actual circumstances so as to produce a range of expressions among which there will exist outliers, that being just the price of the trait’s existing at all in a range of individuals of the same species.

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