Friday 13 August 2021

Happy Peak Everything!

"Carbon Credits" and "Covid Lockdowns" are Peak Oil in disguise, information management in relation to reduction of economically extractable petroleum production. Happy Peak Everything, everyone! Good luck during this intricate and rapid time of transition from growth to equilibrium.

"These conclusions are so far-reaching and raise so many questions for further study that we are quite frankly overwhelmed by the enormity of the job that must be done. We hope that this book will serve to interest other people, in many fields of study and in many countries of the world, to raise the space and time horizons of their concerns and to join us in understanding and preparing for a period of great transition-the transition from growth to global equilibrium" (The Limits of Growth, 1972).
"If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years.[a] The most probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity. It is possible to alter these growth trends and to establish a condition of ecological and economic stability that is sustainable far into the future. The state of global equilibrium could be designed so that the basic material needs of each person on earth are satisfied and each person has an equal opportunity to realize his individual human potential. If the world's people decide to strive for this second outcome rather than the first, the sooner they begin working to attain it, the greater will be their chances of success. — Limits to Growth, Introduction"
A steady-state economy is an economy made up of a constant stock of physical wealth (capital) and a constant population size. In effect, such an economy does not grow in the course of time. The term usually refers to the national economy of a particular country, but it is also applicable to the economic system of a city, a region, or the entire...

Friday 25 January 2019

Open-Ended Notes on Radar-Visual Sightings

I want first to state that comments about "tinfoil hats" and the like are completely uncalled for given the sheer amount of footage released by governments such as Mexico, Chile, and the United States as well as the substantial number of cases which involved not only multiple witnesses but also video and radar evidence concomitantly.
There is no need to assume that these phenomena are necessarily alien craft, or that the occupants -- if any -- are necessarily from off-planet, whether these be human or not. Since this is clearly a multifaceted phenomenon, we should we open to possibilities which are not mutually exclusive and which include but are not limited to:

1  human black ops including flying disks and holographics
2  Earthly but non-human technology
3  distortion of human consciousness by strong electromagnetic fields, whether controlled by a consciousness or not (See essay "The 1886 ghost waka of Lake Tarawera" for an NZ-specific example of this.)
4  uncatalogued atmospheric life (sky squids, cloud-dwelling phosphorescent communities, etc)
5  uncatalogued forms of electromagnetism, as so-called "sprites" and "elves" of the upper atmosphere were until quite recently
6  physical hoaxes (whether by individuals or governments)
7  image manipulations (whether by individuals or governments)
8  projective interactions between human consciousness, individually and as a whole, with broader atmospheric phenomena (Jung)
9  artifacts of the mismatch between the real and the perceived as a consequence of time and space as forms of human sense-perception (Kant via Schopenhauer)

There are also other possibilities. People interested in explanations other than aliens may wish to consider the work of Paul Devereux, John Keel, Carl Jung, and Jacques Vallée.  

Whatever the case may be -- one guesses this matter involves interactions of consciousness, electromagnetism, and other parameters -- people can snicker about something else now. Every mystery that we encounter is ultimately an opportunity to broaden our understanding singly and collectively. We should always remember that there are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in our philosophies.

Friday 20 July 2018

"Robert's Rules of Order" has been cancelled. Welcome!

I favour a special technical fix to the problem of people interrupting during reasoned and civil discourse: everyone involved gets outfitted with a special little shock device that delivers a painful but harmless jolt if they speak out of turn. The device gets administered by a genuinely impartial AI that immediately detects the speech patterns of all participants -- their sonogram having been cooperatively supplied, of course -- and delivers an instructional shock to those who have not yet been entrusted with permission to speak but fain even do so. 

This realisable initiative directly implements watching-the-watchers and reduces representational inefficiency; there is no technical barrier to it whatsoever. It is said by the people of this time that there are “free speech zones”. Let there then by discourse zones which cleave to a higher standard than can obtain in unsupervised utterance, with such a temporary and voluntary loss of liberty as would approximate that in an ordinary working environment. No draconian imposition need accompany the initiative, anymore than necessarily results in the course of customary restrictions on individuals in cell-groups of society such as private employment or military service. 

I favour the application of this device to all televised media discussions reaching a minimum threshold of states/provinces/regions wishing their discussion to be thought serious -- and also to all parliamentary debates -- so that the media receives firm and diligent attention at last! at last! in the administrative order. Moreover, no one enters parliament without putting their civil-discourse-bracelet on, with removing it automatically resulting in a felony charge.

Indeed, there is no need even to put people on trial when the evidence is directly perceptible and assiduously recorded data. The number of times people get shocked for talking over others becomes, of course, a matter of public record; and if there are too many of them, they are excluded automatically from all representative bodies, including corporate boards and PTAs. 

The negation of conversational behaviour has never before in human history been so susceptible to direct control as now.  An entire strand of communications behaviour, such as talking-over or engaging in gossip, can simply be deleted. A person such as a gossip or a shrew or cultist could actually be directly administered wherever the shrew-etc-finding algorithm noticed their signature pattern. Of course, one is not advocating the universal extension of this procedure but only signalling the operational parameters at hand. The matter is rather to affect designated discourse and representation than to implement direct control of the citizenry, just as a social credit score for society's public servants need not be a general score for all.

Let me tell you, we would have some of the most civil public discussions in the last ten thousand years. People would still lie like crazy, act variously bestial, have disparate views, slouch, etc. But they would be subdued whilst they were about it. Robert's "Rules of Order" is BROKEN. It cannot manage lawless beings properly, so that they can be trusted; existing standards of discourse cannot be trusted for such sensitive matters as mass media and representative bodies. 

We have an everything bubble, a financial and robotic and ecological and demographic and migrational and foreign policy and energy and everything-in-general crisis at our doorstep! And certain types of uncivil discourse should seriously no longer prevail in public discourse. We cannot afford them who are in penury, being at the apparent threshold of imperfect storm.

Friday 6 November 2015

Right relation of sacred art to technical innovation

Any artist who cherishes the tradition of which he is a part must wonder, now & again, whether there is a proper relation of technical innovation to the past. I am given, in general, to making art rather than discussing it. As this subject is now clear and present to my mind’s eye, however, I will continue in this mode for so long as seems proper and complete. 

The greatest technical innovations of art are surely the golden byproducts of the sincere need to crystallize something, and the subtler & loftier the better, which has as yet no satisfying articulation. What is more, there is surely no subtler & loftier art than sacred art, for that dreamcatcher which praises must be rarefied indeed! in order to exist as symbols.

The liberty with which William Blake’s 'prophetic' books adapted and expanded the poetic devices with which our civilization equipped him is an example of this process, as are the dash poems of Emily Dickinson, the sprung rhythm poems of Gerald Manley Hopkins,  & Friedrich Holderlin's odes. All of these examples are deliberately chosen for having composed sacred verse; not that that verse is sacred, or that the art is sacred, but that the subject of that art pertains first of all to the sacred and only second of all to anything particular whatever.

I would emphasize as well that I am merely drawing attention to a category worthy of perusal and not limiting its expressions to this single subset. Nor am I limiting the field to sacred verse, nor yet to art, for I also acknowledge any number of sacred modes. If it pleases Spirit to flow into any mode that It chooses to consecrate, then it pleases Spirit. 

These exponents of sacred art precede & underly the sterile presumptuousness of early 20th century poetic Modernism, which arrogated to itself the claim of having begun this process as opposed to being its  profane echo. This is not to say that individual poetic Modernists did not make a valid, beautiful & mindful contribution. The sterile presumptuousness is that of the overarching claim to be the 'official' literary generation to "Make it new", which is  hogwash. [In retrospect, one finds this way of putting matters rather unfair really to the Modernists, and would consider there to have been two 'peaks' to Modernism instead, which is a much healthier construction: the first peak the likes of Hopkins, Dickinson, and Whitman; the second peak the likes of Eliot, Pound, and Thomas.]

Friday 2 October 2015

The relation of psi to ideality: an explanation of three explanations (2015)

The hubris of scientists who are now rejoicing over their telepathic contraptions has prompted me to speak about the real thing -- psi in general, whatever it is -- which I have experienced both while awake & asleep often enough to know that it has nothing less than a particular sensation. It happens when the mind is as though daydreaming, accessing a memory, doing intricate work or reading a narrative: anything whatever which blanks out the external scene. 

This is not just some kind of personal thing by any means. I believe that most people experience psi but do not acknowledge it; I am acknowledging it. One does not want only an eye to see, but also the processing of the image that that eye sees; and this processing is modelling, which leaves a litter of models in its wake. If, on the other hand, no modelling and no models offer a ready home for the impression, then it is likely lost amongst the sea of uncategorized impressions.

This faculty -- psi -- must have some explanation, even if it turns out to be more sophisticated than the direct communication which parapsychologists like J.B. Rhine assume as a working model; since this model has, among other things, allowed them to establish the existence of quarter decline arranged in a u-shaped curve, I am not knocking it so much as putting it aside to consider four models other than direct communication, among them:

  1. that apparent cases of telepathy are artifacts of Immanuel Kant’s time and space as forms of human sense-perception. This is Arthur Schopenhauer’s contribution to the subject. In fuller terms, the fact that time and space are not reality itself but artifacts of the human mediation of reality makes apparent instances of telepathy and the like logical consequences of mismatch between the perceived and the real. It is, in this view, a matter of fact alignment with and proof of Kant’s ideas. 
  2. that apparent cases of telepathy are the parallel effects of an underlying phenomenon, their relation being one of synchronicity. This is Carl Jung’s contribution, and one which I initially encountered in the writings of J.B. Rhine, who indicated thereby his cognizance of the possibility of a superseding reason for apparent communication. I am as yet unsure whether Rhine was also aware of option a), but the fact that he is aware of the category at all -- and was open to the possibility that clairvoyance or even an overarching effect produces the apparent operation of telepathy -- is sufficient. 
  3. that apparent cases of telepathy are a single mind’s communication with itself in direct contradistinction to visual appearances of separate existence. This is the contribution of “Christian Science”, which thought the matter important enough to treat in their instructional material. (I will consider any material whatever in search of insight.)
  4. that God certainly perceives everyone's thoughts. He certainly did during His bewildering visit to our planet. "Simon, I have somewhat to tell thee" "chambers of the imagination" "knew all men" "perceived in His heart" etc.

I would suggest that the treatment of ideality raised by these various options, and the association of psi or ideality with proto-religiosity -- that age of healing touches, second sights -- is of supreme importance to a civilisation as materialistic in its poverty as in its wealth, in its egalitarianism as in its stratification. 

Rich or poor, equal or stratified, they do not realize there are backdoors in the mind. 

Friday 21 August 2015

Natural selection in the context of overarching variation in 'constants' (2015)

I was looking at black swans and seeing brontosauruses, which got me to wondering along non-Darwinian lines out of dissatisfaction with that model & yet acceptance at least of the mechanism of selectional pressure at the heart of it.

Neither the north pole nor the strength of gravity have any intention of sitting still, so it is possible that their wanderlust has significant effects on, for instance, the  bone density & frames of fauna the world over.

Shifts in constants to which some are sensitive both within and without, aligned as it were with "the tide in the affairs of men", may produce significant effects on the cognition and interaction of generations, peoples, nations, everything that depends on everything else in the equation.

So, I am curious to know whether the model of life actually follows  these varying 'constants' more so than agreeing with the mainstream Darwinian model; or if it agrees, then as the plum pudding model to the present double candelabra of progressively tinier particles & vaster galactic structures.

I am curious to know, in other words, not so much whether Darwinian evolution is false as whether it is filagree. For it would seem likely that natural selection is subordinate to larger variation in constants.

Friday 14 August 2015

The world needs more contemplative solitude (2015)

Solitude is the sun that shines if there is any to shine, the cell wall that protects spiritual pregnancy. It is where one need not breathe in the homogenizing sewer of mass-produced & stereotyped interactions & lines of questioning, which is especially important in our day: most of the humans currently alive are basically factory-farmed chooks no matter what their apparent pay, status & holdings. Regardless of any & all manner of apparent accoutrements, they are nothing but processed animals if they never enjoy their time alone.

Now as to the blossoming, the spring, the renaissance of solitude, it is like nothing that the drones can buy from  stores or share with mates or fill out applications for at work. It is nothing like those things, and it is richer than all of those things, a light yoke & magnetic in this darkening world of dying slaves. There are consequences to interacting with the degraded and degrading Leveled People of the Dark Age. 

Certain states of mind will never happen in the lives of people who do not permit their solitude to blossom, nor should they; for the very aversion to solitude in itself safeguards those holy states of mind from the profane. The profane, for the purposes of this comment, are not defined in terms of any explicit religious tradition but rather their collapse of life down into immanent social relations and physical environments. 

Solitude! Solitude! It is a rich oasis amid a desert the grains of which cannot bear to be alone. Why is it that they cannot bear to be alone? Because orangutan. Because they are deserted. Because they are repulsed by differentiating chain reaction. I, for one, and for all solitaries,  for all people! say that interaction has become totalitarian, termitic & unhealthy at all levels of society; that the world desperately needs more personal solitude. 

How unreliable, homogenized, & empty they become when they are always mixing with each other, mixing quite away. I see so many empty whirls of social interaction swirling like so many golden finches quite away. Even the solitude of other people has become suspicious to them. Nearly always social interactions stink of interferers, busybodies, gossips, unsolicited suggestions, nosy questionings, iniquitous manipulations. Solitude is what the world needs most! and not more empty yapping. Empty yapping has ravaged this world, reducing the mass of men to stoats in waistcoats, pigs in wigs. 

Monday 3 August 2015

Ecumenical eschatology: a calm diplomacy whose time has come (2015)

The recent obsession with the Mayan calendar was nothing but the de facto jamming of something much more constructive: by focusing on a New World eschatology, people did not focus on its Islamic and Jewish counterparts, which would have been a logical and coherent extension of group awareness on the matter of eschatology and its repercussions. Mass men steeped in End Times expectancy were interpreting a cyclical system in terms of it, an absurdly convoluted operation: in effect going straight for the junk food. 

Since Christian End Times beliefs obviously affect -- among other things, American foreign policy -- it behooves us to consider whether the same pattern is true of the other Peoples of the Book (whether as concerns foreign policy specifically or in a more general sense).

Instead of entertaining themselves with ‘tzolkins’, people should have been learning about Moshiach and Dajjal, since those figures and beliefs have serious repercussions for Christian, Muslim and Jewish relations both in the Middle East and generally; and while they were about it, and before they plundered the New World as obtusely as before, they might have learned about Kalki the Machine & the Doctrine of Four Ages.

Something does not need to be true in order for it to have mass organizational appeal, although its having such appeal is not in itself an indication of falsehood (as with the desacralization of the Doctrine of Four Ages, known as dialectical materialism, whose mass form retains some vestiges of the original model).

The beliefs of the various Christians, Muslims and Jews -- and there is sweeping internal variation -- do not need to be true in order to cross-reference to an extraordinary degree with one another in agreement as in disagreement.  One is, for instance, fascinated by the varying treatments of Simon Cyrenean in Valentian Gnosticism and Islam or of Mary in the New Testament & the Talmud; and there are many other examples which I might have mentioned to drive home the point.

Serious consideration of the eschatologies and soteriologies of peoples and civilizations, while revelatory and interesting, does not command a fraction of the attention that people were willing to fritter away on a distorted view of the Mayan sense of time and space. It is highly significant that the Jewish Moshiach (i.e. Messiah) and the Islamic Dajjal (i.e. Satan) are considered the same figure, at least in Islamic tradition; it is as significant that most Western people are ignorant of this fact. 

They are also generally ignorant of the central role played by the figure known as Isa Jesus in Islamic eschatology. If this ignorance were addressed, then it would surely contribute to world peace and possibly even end the War on Terror. Of course, the end of the War on Terror is likely to be the beginning of the American Inquisition -- see my poem "Walpurgisnacht" for an extended treatment of this "law of conservation of" concept -- so perhaps we shouldn't immanentize the eschaton.

Carl Jung, in his book Psychological Types, charitably refers to St. Anselm's ontological argument as a "psychological fact", by which he meant as distinct from a truth per se. In a similar vein, I propose that we treat these variant End Times expectancies as "eschatological facts", notice that they are present in the room with us, accept their heft in the hand, & broaden our understanding of their intertwining.